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Chemical Dependency and the Dysfunctional Family

Using Drugs to Cope with Your FamilyChildren Of Drug Addicts

Chemical dependency in the children of drug addicts has not been very widely studied. Scientists do not know if a genetic link exists. However, teens whose parents are drug addicts are at a higher risk for chemical dependency. Drugs may be an accepted part of their upbringing. They may simply be presented as a part of life. To these teens, drugs are familiar. They have watched their family members use and abuse drugs. When things get tough, they may try it themselves.

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Marriage and Family EncyclopediaChemical Dependency and the Dysfunctional FamilyChemical Dependency and the Dysfunctional Family - Using Drugs to Cope with Your Family - Pressures At Home, Children Of Alcoholics, Children Of Drug Addicts, Peer Pressure