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Sexuality in Adulthood

Other Influences

There are several other factors that influence sexual identity and how it is expressed. Religion, ethnicity, culture, and gender can have an overwhelming effect (Aiken 1998; Coltrane 1998; Francoeur 1987; Lauer and Lauer 1997; Sterk-Elifson 1994). These factors may determine how individuals respond to any or all of the areas mentioned previously. If one is religious what does the religion teach about sexuality and sexual practices? Are birth control, premarital sex, heterosexuality, and/or homosexuality sanctioned? People learn what is expected of them as well as what they are not supposed to do. How they interpret religious teachings can be influenced by their ethnicity and cultural and gender identities (Coltrane 1998; Francoeur 1987; Lauer and Lauer 1997; Sterk-Elifson 1994). This influence is a reciprocal one. Everyone is influenced by many different factors and to different extents.

Additional topics

Marriage and Family EncyclopediaFamily Health IssuesSexuality in Adulthood - Sexual Revolution, Women's Movement, Contraception, Same-sex Relationships, Children, Length Of A Relationship