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Sexuality in Adulthood

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Although sexually transmitted diseases are unfortunately not a new concern, the deadly nature of a disease like acquired immunodefiency syndrome (AIDS) is. Certainly one could die from syphilis or gonorrhea if left untreated, but if diagnosed early enough both diseases are treatable. AIDS has had an impact on how and with whom individuals engage sexually. The condom is no longer primarily a means for the prevention of pregnancy. It has become a primary tool in the prevention of AIDS.

The fact of a disease like AIDS has had an impact on the concept of casual sex. Once again heterosexuals and gay male singles may be waiting to be in a committed relationship before being sexually intimate. Fear of pregnancy has been replaced by fear of death.

Additional topics

Marriage and Family EncyclopediaFamily Health IssuesSexuality in Adulthood - Sexual Revolution, Women's Movement, Contraception, Same-sex Relationships, Children, Length Of A Relationship