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Sexuality in Adulthood


Although many view children as a blessing and a natural progression or outcome of a committed relationship, they can have a formidable affect on a couple's intimate relationship. Marital satisfaction tends to decrease with the advent of children (Aiken 1998). This fact does not imply that children are not wanted or loved but that their presence can change the nature of an intimate relationship. Focus can shift from we (meaning two) to us (meaning family). In lives that are already complicated by work and social obligations children can take what little time a couple may have reserved for one another. Infants need constant attention and as they get older the demands that children place on parents' time do not necessarily diminish. Although parents may be happy to fulfill the parental role, it can erode the sexual intimacy they once experienced. If a couple wants to enjoy intimacy they must make time for it.

Sexual expression is an important part of communication that must be accommodated (Coltrane 1998; Higgins and Tuttle 1984; Scanzoni 2000). If it was important before the advent of children into their lives, a couple should ensure its continuation. Frequency may decrease but that does not mean that satisfaction and pleasure has to as well.

Additional topics

Marriage and Family EncyclopediaFamily Health IssuesSexuality in Adulthood - Sexual Revolution, Women's Movement, Contraception, Same-sex Relationships, Children, Length Of A Relationship