Sexuality in Adulthood
Same-sex Relationships
Along with the sexual revolution and the women's movement, the advent of the Gay Rights movement brought the notion of same-sex relationships "out of the closet." Women fall in love with and are attracted to women just as men fall in love with and are attracted to men. The Gay Rights movement provided a venue for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgendered persons to meet, discuss issues, and advocate for their rights. These rights have included same-sex marriage and benefits for same-sex partners.
Heterosexual couples often take for granted the social acceptability for them to be openly affectionate. To hold hands and to kiss in public is not shunned. Except for a few localities this is not the case for same-sex couples. Same-sex relationships are part of the modern fabric of sex and sexuality. Within the medical and mental health fields, homosexuality is no longer listed as aberrant or deviant. It is no longer listed as criminal activity, although certainly many people are still persecuted for being openly gay.
Although there are still immense barriers, same-sex relationships have greater potential for flourishing today than in previous years. Although their union is not often recognized legally, it has not deterred couples from forming committed relationships, which often includes the raising of children.
A condom poster warns against the dangers of unprotected sex. Older adults are one of the faster growing populations being infected by HIV/AIDS. This could be due to a lack of continuing sex education for adult populations.
The evolution of sexuality continues over the course of our adulthood. This will include changes that may occur with children, length of a relationship, aging, and health (including prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases).
Additional topics
Marriage and Family EncyclopediaFamily Health IssuesSexuality in Adulthood - Sexual Revolution, Women's Movement, Contraception, Same-sex Relationships, Children, Length Of A Relationship