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Divorce In Remarriages

Although remarrieds report being more willing than first-marrieds to leave a marriage, first-marrieds and remarrieds actually divorce at similar rates (about 60%). However, the divorce rate is higher if the couple is African American, if the husband is in his early twenties, or if stepchildren are present. Conversely, when a baby is born into a remarriage, the couple is less likely to divorce. When remarrieds do divorce, the divorce occurs sooner than it does for first-marrieds. There are two main sociological explanations for the high divorce rate among remarried couples: (1) a lack of social norms and support for remarrieds in our society in which the majority of the population idealizes the nuclear family as the ideal family, and (2) a smaller number of potential marriage partners with similar values and interests for divorced adults than for the younger group of never-married, single adults. The psychological explanation is that, on average, there are more adults with poor relationship skills or with psychological problems among the population of divorced persons.

Additional topics

Marriage and Family EncyclopediaDivorceRemarriage - Factors Affecting Likelihood Of Remarriage After Divorce Or Death Of Spouse, Marital Relationships, Remarriage In Later Life