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Family Values


It is not that some families have values and others do not, or that family values should be placed on the endangered list, or that there is a finite list of values that one can review to determine if a family has values or not. Family discourse about family values requires understanding the social context of families as well as the material conditions of families. Both influence present attitudes as well as expectations about the future. Valuing higher education is not an inherent condition, it is learned from those who have an expectation that its achievement will become a reality. Measuring leisure time spent with loved ones as an indicator of family values has validity only where the conditions provide family members discretionary time.

Although most people prefer to view the family as a private "haven in a heartless" world (Lasch 1977), the family is shaped by its social milieu. The political and economic environment exults or diminishes the family. The family's private troubles are connected to the public issues (Mills 1959). When the state enacts family-friendly policies, it exhibits a reverence for the institution of the family, reinforcing not only family values, but that the family is valued. Where it fails to do so, it contributes to family disintegration. Even at that, the family-values debate will continue.


Cherlin, A. J. (2001). "The Transformation of Motherhood." In Public and Private Families: An Introduction, ed. A. J. Cherlin. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Coontz, S. (2001). "What We Really Miss about the 1950s." In Family in Transition, 11th edition, ed. A. S. Skolnick and J. H. Skolnick. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.

Galinsky, E. (1999). "What Children Think about Their Working Parents." In Ask the Children, ed. E. Galinsky. New York: HarperCollins.

Grimsley, K. D. (2000). "Making Family a Priority." Washington Post Weekly, May 8.

Hochschild, A. R. (1996). "The Emotional Geography of Work and Family Life." In Gender Relations in Public and Private, ed. L. Morris and E. S. Lyon. New York: Macmillan.

Lasch, C. (1977). Haven in a Heartless World: The Family Besieged. New York: Basic Books.

Mills, C. W. (1959) The Sociological Imagination. New York: Oxford University Press.

Nock, S. L. (1999) "The Problem with Marriage." Society. ( July/August):20–27.

Popenoe, D. (1988). Disturbing the Nest: Family Change and Decline in Modern Societies. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.

Roberts, D. L.; Foehr, U. G.; Rideout, V. J.; and Brodie, M. (1999). "Kids and Media @ The New Millennium." Report from the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Menlo Park, CA.

Skolnick, A. (1991). "The State of the American Family." In Embattled Paradise: The American Family in an Age of Uncertainty. New York: Basic Books.

Stacey, J. (1992). "Backward toward the Postmodern Family: Reflections on Gender, Kinship, and Class in the Silicon Valley." In Rethinking the Family: Some Feminist Questions, rev. edition, ed. B. Thorne and M. Yalom. Boston: Northeastern University Press.

Stacey, J. (1999). "The Family Values Fable." In American Families: A Multicultural Reader, ed. S. Coontz. New York: Routledge.

Wolfe, A. (1998). "The Culture War Within." In One Nation, After All, ed. A. Wolfe. New York: Viking Penguin.

Other Resources

Gallup Poll Special Reports. (1997). "Global Study of Family Values." Gallup Poll News Service, Available from http://www.gallup.com/poll/specialReports/pollSummaries/Family.asp.

Kammerman, S. B. (2001). Clearinghouse on International Developments in Child, Youth, and Family Policies at Columbia University. Available from http://www.childpolicyintl.org.


Additional topics

Marriage and Family EncyclopediaFamily & Marriage TraditionsFamily Values - Cross-cultural Comparison: Pro Family Policies, Conclusion