Family Strengths
Family Strengths And Universal Values
Individuals and families are all unique, and yet there is an apparent paradox: human beings are all also quite similar. Countless people from countless walks of life—novelists, poets, sociologists, anthropologists, singers and songwriters, economists, psychologists, and educators—have remarked upon this.
In the 1930s, cultural anthropologists assumed that every culture was unique. However, over several decades sociologist George Homans (1974) amassed empirical data that contradicted this belief in cultural uniqueness, arguing that certain societal institutions appear in every culture because of the universality of human nature.
Anthropologist Colin Turnbull (1983) devoted his life to studying the nature of human cultures around the world and challenged age-old Western assumptions about differences between so-called "primitive" societies and "modern" societies. Turnbull concluded from his work among the Mbuti of Zaire, the Hindus of Banaras, and middle-class Westerners that the experiences of love, work, loneliness, growing up, and growing old are universal. He concluded that behind all the different
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Kenneth Boulding (1985), an economist, philosopher, and general systems theorist, wrote that human betterment is the end toward which people, individually and collectively, should strive. Betterment is an increase in the "ultimate good." Four great virtues make up this ultimate good: (1) economic adequacy—wealth in contrast to poverty; nourishment rather than starvation; adequate housing, clothing, health care, and other essentials of life; (2) justice—in contrast to injustice; equality rather than inequality in access to work, education, and health; (3) freedom—in contrast to coercion and confinement; and (4) peacefulness— in contrast to warfare and strife. Boulding proposed that these great virtues may be considered universal values.
Figure 2 combines Boulding's universal values with the Family Strengths Model. From a global perspective, the ultimate good and the strengths that create human happiness in the most intimate institution, the family, are remarkably similar. The human tendency to focus on differences rather than similarities can be divisive and lead to devastating strife. A broader, global perspective emphasizes our common humanity as "citizens of the world." In the words of novelist James A. Michener (1991, p. 249), "We are all brothers [and sisters]. We all face the same problems and find the same satisfactions. We are united in one great band. I am one with all of them, in all lands, in all climates, in all conditions. Since we brothers [and sisters] occupy the entire earth, the world is our home."
Beavers, W. R., and Hampson, R. B. (1990). Successful Families. New York: Norton.
Boulding, K. (1985). Human Betterment. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Casas, C.; Stinnett, N.; DeFrain, J.; Williams, R.; and Lee, P. (1984). "Latin American Family Strengths." Family Perspective 18:11–17.
Curran, D. (1983). Traits of a Healthy Family. Minneapolis, MN: Winston Press.
DeFrain, J. (1999). "Strong Families Around the World." Family Matters 53 (Winter):8–13.
DeFrain, J.; DeFrain, N.; and Lepard, J. (1994). "Family Strengths and Challenges in the South Pacific: An Exploratory Study." International Journal of the Sociology of the Family 24(2):25–47.
Epstein, N. B.; Bishop, D. S.; Ryan, C.; Miller, I.; and Keitner, G. (1993). "The McMaster Model of Family Functioning." In Normal Family Processes, ed. F. Walsh. New York: Guilford Press.
Geggie, J.; DeFrain, J.; Hitchcock, S.; and Silberberg, S. (2000). "Family Strengths Research Project: Final Report to the Australian Commonwealth Government Ministry of Family and Community Services, Canberra, A.C.T." Callaghan: Family Action Centre, University of Newcastle.
Homans, G. G. (1974). Social Behavior: Its Elementary Forms, revised edition. New York: Harcourt.
Krysan, M.; Moore, K. A.; and Zill, N. (1990). "Identifying Successful Families: An Overview of Constructs and Selected Measures." Washington, DC: Child Trends, Inc.
Mace, D. R. (1985). Personal communication cited on book jacket of Secrets of Strong Families, by N. Stinnett, and J. DeFrain. Boston: Little, Brown.
Michener, J. A. (1991). The World Is My Home. New York: Random House.
Olson, D. H. (1996). "Clinical Assessment and Treatment Using the Circumplex Model." In Handbook in Relational Diagnosis, ed. F. W. Kaslow. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Olson, D. H., and DeFrain, J. (2000). Marriage and the Family: Diversity and Strengths, 3rd edition. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield.
Olson, D. H.; Russell, C. S.; and Sprenkle, D. H. (1989). Circumplex Model: Systemic Assessment and Treatment of Families. New York: Haworth Press.
Stinnett, N., and DeFrain, J. (1985). Secrets of Strong Families. Boston: Little, Brown.
Stinnett, N.; Knorr, B.; DeFrain, J.; and Rowe, G. (1981). "How Strong Families Cope with Crises." Family Perspective (Fall):159–166.
Stinnett, N.; Sanders, G.; and DeFrain, J. (1981). "Strong Families: A National Study." In Family Strengths 3: Roots of Well-Being, ed. N. Stinnett, J. DeFrain, K. King, P. Knaub, and G. Rowe. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Stinnett, N., and Sauer, K. H. (1977). "Relationship Characteristics of Strong Families." Family Perspective 11(4):3–11.
Turnbull, C. (1983). The Human Cycle. New York: Touchstone/Simon & Schuster.
Xie, X.; DeFrain, J.; Meredith, W.; and Combs, R. (1996). "Family Strengths in the People's Republic of China." International Journal of Sociology of the Family 26(2):17–27.
Additional topics
Marriage and Family EncyclopediaFamily Theory & Types of FamiliesFamily Strengths - The Family Strengths Perspective, The Qualities Of Strong Families, Family Strengths And Universal Values