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Czech Republic

Research On The Family And Demographic Trends In The Czech Republic

Sociologists and demographers have been extremely active in the Czech Republic since 1990s. Because they are directly affected by the economic problems of the transformation period, both marriage and the family are frequently studied, often as preparation for legislation affecting the family, employment, and childcare. Researchers are also giving significant attention to such issues as of the possible legalization of homosexual partnerships, domestic violence, and gender inequalities in the family.

See also: SLOVAKIA


Cermáková, M. (1997). Rodina a m&NA;nící se gender role— sociální analýza c&NA;ské rodiny (Family and changing gender roles—social analysis of the Czech family). Praha: Working Papers SoU AV.

Cermáková, M.; Hasková, H.; Krízková, A.; Linková, M.; Maríková, H.; and Musilová, M. (2000). Relations and Changes of Gender Differences in the Czech Society in the 90s. Praha: Institute of Sociology of Academy of Science of the Czech Republic.

Fialová, L.; Hamplová, D.; Kucera, M.; and VymEtalová, S. (2000). P&NA;edstavy mladých lidí o man&NA;elství a rodicovství (Ideas of young people about marriage and parenthood). Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství.

Kroupa, A., and Mácha, M., eds. (1999). Zpráva o lidském rozvoji &NA;eská republika 1999 (Report on human development: Czech Republic 1999). Praha: VUPSV.

Lenderová, M. (1999). K h&NA;íchu a k modlitb&NA; (Towards a sin and prayer). Praha: Mladá fronta.

Maríková, H., ed. (2000). Prom&NA;ny sou&NA;asné &NA;eské rodiny (Rodina-gender-stratifikace) (Changes of current Czech family [family-gender-stratification]). Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství.

Maríková H., Petrusek M., and Vodáková A., eds. (1996). Velký sociologický slovník (The great lexicon of sociology). Parts 1 and 2. Praha: Karolinum

Matousek, O. (1993). Rodina jako sociální instituce a sít' (Family as social institution and social network). Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství.

Mozny, I. (1983). Rodina vysoko&NA;kolsky vzd&NA;laných man&NA;elu (Two-career families). Brno: UJEP.

Mozny, I. (1990). Moderní rodina (mýty a skute&NA;nost) (Modern Family [Myths and Reality]). Brno: Blok.

Mozny, I. (1999). Sociologie rodiny (Sociology of Family). Praha: Sociologické nakladatelství.

Rychtaríková, J.; Pikálková, S.; and Hamplová, D. (2001). Diferenciace reproduk&NA;ního a rodinného chování v evropských populacích (Differentiation of reproductive and family behavior in the European populations). Praha: Sociologické texty SoU AV CR.

S&NA;ítání lidu, dom&NA; a byt&NA; 2001—Základní informace z defnitivnich výsledk&NA; (Population and housing census—Basic figures from complete final results). (2002). Praha: Cesky statisticky ürad.

Statistical Yearbook of the Czech Republic. (2001). Praha: Cesky statisticky ürad.

Vecerník, J., and MatEju, P. eds. (1999). Ten Years of Rebuilding Capitalismus: Czech Society after 1989. Praha: Academia.


Additional topics

Marriage and Family EncyclopediaMarriage: Cultural AspectsCzech Republic - Marriage, Family, Future Trends, Research On The Family And Demographic Trends In The Czech Republic