United States
Children have always been and continue to be a central part of the U.S. family. Despite the profound changes that have occurred since World War II with respect to patterns of marriage and divorce, the vast majority of young women (more than 90 percent) still expect to give birth to at least one child at some point in their lives (U.S. Bureau of the Census 1991a). This does not imply that patterns of childbearing (or fertility) have remained unchanged, however. In fact, with the exception of a brief but dramatic increase in fertility rates during the postwar "baby boom," family size has declined fairly steadily throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries (Cherlin 1981).
The most notable aspects of childbearing patterns in recent decades are the pace at which fertility declined during the 1960s and 1970s, and the fact that fertility rates reached an all-time low during this period. A number of factors contributed to this decline, including an increasing tendency by young couples to delay the start of childbearing, to have fewer children in total, or to remain childless altogether. In addition to the general decline in fertility rates, the context in which childbearing takes place also changed during this period, as the proportion of births occurring outside of marriage increased dramatically.
In addition to delaying the onset of childbearing, an increasing proportion of couples are choosing to have only one child or no children at all. It is still too early to tell what consequences the sustained low fertility levels of the 1970s and 1980s
In the United States, single-parent families are more likely to be headed by the mother. A growing number of children are spending at least part of their childhood with only one parent.
Childbearing in the United States has become increasingly separated from marriage. Sexual activity outside marriage, particularly premarital sexual activity, has risen dramatically among women since the 1960s, and women are becoming sexually active at younger ages on average than ever before (National Center for Health Statistics 1987). These trends, coupled with the fact that women are delaying marriage and spending a smaller portion of their reproductive years in marriage, have led to an increase in the number and proportion of births that occur to unmarried women.
Changes in patterns of family formation and dissolution and childbearing have translated into profound shifts in family and household composition for children and adults. The family model prevalent in the 1950s of breadwinner-husband and homemaker-wife raising their own children together in their own home is increasingly being replaced by a mosaic of alternative family types, including single-parent families, remarried-parent or stepfamilies, married couples with no children, and unmarried couples with children (Ahlburg and De Vita 1992). In addition, households comprised of persons living alone or with nonrelatives are becoming increasingly common.
Perhaps more striking are changes that have occurred in the composition of the family groups themselves. The percentage of families with dependent children that are maintained by two parents declined since 1970. The proportion maintained by a single parent (either mother or father) more than doubled during this period, from approximately 13 percent in 1970 to just under 30 percent in 1990. Single-parent families are much more likely to be maintained by a mother than a father. Although this pattern is starting to change somewhat, even in 1990 the vast majority of single-parent families (87 percent) were maintained by women (U.S. Bureau of the Census 1991b).
What the rise in single parenthood means from a child's perspective is that an increasing number and proportion of children are spending at least part of their childhood with only one parent. In 1992, more than one-quarter of all children under eighteen years of age (representing a total of 17.6 million children) were living in a single-parent family, up from 9 percent (or 5.8 million) in 1960 (U.S. Bureau of the Census 1991b, 1993). These figures relate to living arrangements at a given point in time; however, the proportion of children who have experienced or will ever experience living in a single-parent home is somewhat higher. Based on trends in marital dissolution and non-marital fertility described earlier, researchers have estimated that the proportion of children expected to live in a single-parent household at some time before reaching adulthood will range between one-half and three-quarters (Bumpass 1984; Hofferth 1985). For some children this arrangement is only short-term, followed quickly by the parent's remarriage and the arrival of a stepparent; however, many children may spend a large part of their childhood years living with a single parent, because the parent either never remarries or experiences multiple marital disruptions (Sweet and Bumpass 1987).
Stepfamilies are also becoming much more prevalent in American family life, and it is important to keep in mind that children who are reported as living with two parents do not necessarily live with their biological parents
There is a great deal of uncertainty about what the future will bring for the family in the United States, as well as what the consequences of changes experienced thus far will be for individuals, family groups, and society at large. Demographic trends since the mid-1980s suggest a somewhat slower pace of change for the beginning of the twenty-first century. Furthermore, despite profound changes in its composition and function, the family continues to be highly valued in U.S. society, and the vast majority of young Americans expect to marry and have children at some point in their lives. Because the changes that have occurred have been so far-reaching, however, it seems unlikely that there will ever be a return to what Dennis A. Ahlburg and Carol J. De Vita referred to as the "seemingly well-ordered family world of the 1950s" (1992, p. 38). Hence it will be important to continue to focus efforts on developing a better understanding of the "new realities" of family life in the United States.
Ahlburg, D. A., and De Vita, C. J. (1992). "New Realities of the American Family." Population Bulletin 47(2):1–43.
Bianchi, S. M., and Spain, D. (1986). American Women in Transition. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Bloom, D. E., and Trussell, J. (1984). "What Are the Determinants of Delayed Childbearing and Permanent Childlessness in the United States?" Demography 21:591–611.
Bumpass, L. L. (1984). "Children and Marital Disruption: A Replication and Update." Demography 21:71–82.
Bumpass, L. L. (1990). "What's Happening to the Family? Interactions Between Demographic and Institutional Change." Demography 27:483–498.
Cherlin, A. J. (1981). Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Coontz, S. (1992). The Way We Never Were: American Families and the Nostalgia Trap. New York: Basic Books.
Gutierrez, R. (1991). When Jesus Came, the Corn Mothers Went Away: Marriage, Sexuality, and Power in New Mexico, 1500–1846. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Hofferth, S. L. (1985). "Updating Children's Life Course." Journal of Marriage and the Family 47:93–115.
National Center for Health Statistics; Bachrach, C. A.; and Horn, M. C. (1987). "Married and Unmarried Couples: United States, 1982." Vital and Health Statistics. Series 23, no. 15, PHS 87-1991. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
National Center for Health Statistics. (1991). Vital Statistics of the United States, 1987: Vol. III, Marriage and Divorce. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
National Center for Health Statistics. (1993a). "Annual Summary of Births, Marriages, Divorces, and Deaths: United States, 1992." NCHS Monthly Vital Statistics Report. Vol. 41, no. 13. Hyattsville, MD: Public Health Service.
National Center for Health Statistics. (1993b). Health, United States, 1992. Hyattsville, MD: Public Health Service.
Schoen, R.; Urton, W.; Woodrow, K.; and Baj, J. (1985). "Marriage and Divorce in Twentieth-Century American Cohorts." Demography 22:101–114.
Sweet, J. A., and Bumpass, L. L. (1987). American Families and Households. New York: Russell Sage Foundation.
Thornton, A., and Freedman, D. (1983). "The Changing American Family." Population Bulletin 38(4):1–43. United Nations. (1992). 1990 Demographic Yearbook. New York: Author.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. (1991a). "Fertility of American Women: June 1990." Current Population Reports. Series P-20, no. 454. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. (1991b). "Marital Status and Living Arrangements: March 1990." Current Population Reports. Series P-20, no. 450. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. (1992). "Marital Status and Living Arrangements: March 1991." Current Population Reports. Series P-20, no. 461. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
U.S. Bureau of the Census. (1993). Statistical Abstract of the United States, 113th edition. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Additional topics
Marriage and Family EncyclopediaMarriage: Cultural AspectsUnited States - Childbearing