2 minute read



As nations continue to examine the goals of education, systemic reform will encompass a variety of strategies that will require everyone in the educational system to change their roles and relationships. There are cross-national perspectives that present models from research that encompass collaboration and integrative services. The challenge for policy makers and educational leaders is to develop programs that will create, nurture, and sustain healthy learners, families, schools, and communities throughout the world.

Neither top-down nor bottom-up approaches to reform will, alone, effect reform. Genuine reform cannot be forced. Reform strategies must be tailored to political environments. Each country is different; consequently, each country engages in reform for different reasons.


Adler, L., and Gardner, S. (1994). The Politics of Linking Schools and Social Services. Washington, DC: The Falmer Press.

Cleverley, J. F. The Schooling of China: Tradition and Modernity in Chinese Education. London: Allen and Unwin.

Cusick, P. (1973). Inside High School: The Student's World. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Fine, M. (1991). Framing Dropouts: Notes on the Politics of an Urban High School. Albany: State University of New York Press.

Hagan, U., and Tibbitts, F. (1994). "The Norwegian Case: Child-Centered Policy in Action." In The Politics of Linking Schools and Social Services, eds. L. Adler and S. Gardner. Washington, DC: The Falmer Press.

Letendre, G. (1999). "The Problem of Japan: Qualitative Studies and International Educational Comparisons." Educational Researcher 28(2):38–45.

Lowe, M. (1998). "The Phenomenology of Student Engagement during High School Restructuring." Ph.D. Dissertation. Lexington: University of Kentucky.

Mawhinney, H. (1994). "Discovering Shared Values: Ecological Models to Support Interagency Collaboration." In The Politics of Linking Schools and Social Services, eds. L. Adler and S. Gardner. Washington, DC: The Falmer Press.

Newmann, F. (1992). "Authentic Work and Student Engagement." In Hands on Teachers Reader, eds. H. Smith and H. Walker. Mountain City, GA: The Foxfire Fund Inc.

Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Services (1992). Time for Action, Towards a New Social Assistance System for Ontario. Toronto: Queens Printer.

Steinberg, L.; Blinde; P. L.; and Chan, K. S. (1984). "Dropping Out among Language Minority Youth." Review of Educational Research. 54:113–32.

Westbury, I. (1993). "Comparing American and Japanese Achievement: Is the United States Really a Low Achiever?" Educational Researcher 21(5):18–24.

Other Resources

"Child Labor Rife in Morocco." (1999). BBC News Online: World. United Kingdom. Available from http://news.bbc.co.uk.

"Children in Jeopardy." (1999). United Nations Children's Fund, New York. Available from www.unicef.org.

Filmer, D. (1999). "The Structure of Social Disparities in Education: Gender and Wealth." World Bank Policy Research Report. Available from http://www.worldbank.org/gender/ppr.


Additional topics

Marriage and Family EncyclopediaPregnancy & ParenthoodSchool - School Culture, Truancy And School Dropouts, Collaboration: Linking Schools With Social Services, Conclusion