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Postpartum Depression


Although postpartum depression is frequently missed by the primary care team (Seeley, Murray, and Cooper 1996), its detection does not present any special clinical problem. As noted above, the disorder's symptoms are not distinctive and its assessment is straightforward. Indeed, a simple self-report measure, the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS), has been developed as a screening device (Cox, Holden, and Sagovsky 1987). The questionnaire has sound psychometric properties (Murray and Carothers 1990), is easy to administer and simple to interpret, and could readily be incorporated within the routine services provided to all postpartum women. Sensitive clinical inquiry with those who have high EPDS scores would be sufficient to confirm the presence of a depressive disorder.

Additional topics

Marriage and Family EncyclopediaPregnancy & ParenthoodPostpartum Depression - The Nature Of Postpartum Depression, Epidemiology And Course, Etiology, Prediction, Detection, Impact On Family Life, Parenting, And Child Outcome