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Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Culture And Ethnicity

Research indicates that ADHD exists in multiple cultures, societies, and nations. Not only has ADHD been diagnosed in various ethnic groups within the United States, but it has been documented in China, South America, Europe, India, and Japan, as well as other regions (Hinshaw and Park 1999). Thus, ADHD is not simply a product of Western industrialized societies, although its visibility and detection are bound to be far greater in cultures and societies with compulsory education. Considerably more research is needed if we are to understand whether the prevalence of ADHD is equal across nations and cultures or whether, as might be predicted, different styles of child temperament (known to display differing rates in different nations) or different childrearing styles (also known to vary across nations and cultures) could influence symptoms (Hinshaw and Park 1999). In other words, ADHD appears to be a universal— rather than culturally specific—disorder, but we still have much to learn about the influence of culture, schooling practices, and nationality on its prevalence and presentation.

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Marriage and Family EncyclopediaFamily Health IssuesAttention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Demographics, Developmental Course, And Etiology, Family Processes And Adhd, Culture And Ethnicity, Treatment